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The biggest swap exchange for stickers and trading cards
Find new swap-partners with one click and swap your items in real time with the liveswap feature
The biggest swap exchange
More than 4'200 collections to collect and swap.
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Swap with over 287'000 users
More than 287'000 active users swapping stickers and trading cards every day. Be party of the community, find friends and step up your game!
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  1. Germany 156'000
  2. Austria 45'000
  3. Switzerland 38'000
  4. United Kingdom 19'000
  5. United States 5'000
Live swap
Swap with your friends in real time
The Live Swap offers you the fastest way to swap your stickers and trading cards with your friends. Stickermanager shows all swap possibilities on your mobile with one click and you can swap real-time super easy.
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Super Swap
Over 3.0 million swaps worldwide
With our Super Swap function you can swap across multiple collections and find more swap-partners!
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